

Commercial Mediation

Our mediators can be used for virtually all business disputes. These include civil and commercial disputes; disputes between business partners; disputes between business owners and their senior managers; workplace and employment disputes, with specialism in disability; disputes with suppliers and contractors; and disputes with customers and consumers.

Civil Mediation

Our Mediators are qualified to work in areas of family, abuse, divorce and co-parenting arrangements. Divorce and break-ups are never simple, but it is a lot easier with a reliable team by your side. We take up the conversations that our clients are unable to have and provide them with the facilitation they need to confidently make any difficult decisions along the way.

With our assistance, clients successfully navigate the divorce process, break ups, co-parenting arrangements and move forward in life with renewed strength. We understand that you ‘the Entrepreneur’ is more than just your business. At Mindset For Success Group, we consider the 360 of the person and work to create a holistic support system. 


Many people do not have the opportunity to understand the benefits of having a mentor or coach to support them on their success journey.  The quickest way to get anywhere, is to take advice from someone who has been there and to learn from their guidance and shortcut your way to success.

Often, we have a multitude of things going on at once and entrepreneurs notoriously suffer with this. Lots of creative ideas, maybe starting to procrastinate because they simply, don’t know where to start or they have start everything and then feel overloaded.

Mentors and Coaches are there to support you, they take the time to learn more about you and your goals and then help you to streamline them. Ultimately an idea in your mind, needs to be translated from a concept into an ‘actuality’ that converts into an income generating business.

Our Mentors and Coaches come with a wealth of experience and expertise, so why not go ahead, and learn more about our service providers and book an appointment with someone who you feel resonates with you and have a no obligation free chemistry to call. By doing this you will be able to learn more about them and how they can help you and then if you are happy you can begin your journey to success!


Our mindset really impacts our choices and the results we see in our lives.

We recognise the fact that sometimes we need support to explore what preconditions, what experiences are affecting our mindset, and informing our choices.

At Mindset for Success Group, we use practical tools such as Mediation, Mentoring and Money/Financial solutions to propel our clients futures. However, in addition to this we aim to provide a holistic service and therefore we include networking events, key note speakers, coaches, counselors and other professionals to work with you on your mindset and well-being. 

Our aim is to help you to find your purpose, support you in fulfilling your current goals and help you to explore what may be hindering you or holding you back. 

Often the situation or experience that we are allowing to be an obstacle, can actually be the very thing that we can use to see growth and development in our lives, its often a question perspective and knowing the next steps to take.  

Why not use the link below or our form on our contact page, to find out more about what we can do for you. An inquiry costs you nothing, but could gain you everything! 


Multiple Streams of Income


They say that ‘MONEY’ makes the world go round and to some extent this is true. What is also true is that ‘MONEY’ is not everything! 

At Mindset For Success Group, we see every Entrepreneur as an individual and work with the ‘360′ of you. This means we join you into an Entrepreneurial community through our Membership packages and work with you to identify any area of your life that may be impeding or prohibiting your mindset and ultimately your success.

Multiple streams of income is the best way for successful entrepreneurs, to not have all their ‘eggs in one basket’ and also to ensure that they are creating more than one stream of passive income. Through this professional community you will soon realise that there are various ways to create these streams, and the like-minded professionals who bring a wealth of experience, expertise, and business opportunities, will ensure that you have access and opportunity to realise these streams of income.

Have your ‘light bulb moment’ and make a new choice today. We are often alone as an Entrepreneur, but we don’t have to be lonely.

Light bulb

We provide a platform to advertise your business. 


Many of us have websites and social media, and individually promote our products and services.

In real terms, how many of us can really afford the spare time to action the marketing aspects of our business? 

Ultimately, this can lead to a lack of traffic to our website and a reduction in sales.

By becoming, a member with us;

  • We advertise the M4SG website everyday.
  • You and all other members will drive traffic to the site.
  • You benefit from a wider audience, which can drive traffic to your site, and increase sale and revenue. 
  • Benefit from all the business broker opportunities.
  • Benefit from the networking opportunities EXCLUSIVE TO OUR MEMBERS ONLY!
  • and much more…


Frequently asked questions

Yes! By join with the Mindset for Success Group, you will be assigned a mentor who will act as your very own accountability partner. They will ensure that you are ‘really’ seeing growth from the venture you are committed to and work with you if you are not seeing this growth until you do. 

Yes! As fully trained Civil and Commercial Mediators, our Practitioners can help you work through any personal relationship issues, employment and workplace matters and business disagreements, Each Mediator will have their own specialist area, we are more than happy to discuss this with you more thoroughly. 

This is a very individual preference. A way to consider the best option for you, is to write down your needs and then decide if you need a more directive/supportive approach, in which case a Mentor may suit you better. Alternatively,  you may need someone to help you explore your ideas and help tease out what you feel, you need help with in order to reach your goals, you may then prefer a Coach. 

All our Consultants and Practitioners are required to go through an application process. Whilst we do our upmost to ensure that we provide our customers with great professionals, we do not recommend any Practitioner over the other or indeed anyone on our site. We accept no liability for any of the professional services, offered on the site. You are free to read, speak with and arrange any consultation you wish. If  you are unsure then we advise that you seek external advice or guidance, from an independent body. 

We truly believe at Mindset for Success Group that multiple streams of income, is the best way to secure your future and to create generational wealth. That being said, what we do on our site is recommend options, where we may have achieved or seen financial growth for ourselves or someone we know. Not every option works for everyone and not everyone, will have the same ability, commitment and understanding. So we only recommend, and ultimately you decided. IMPORTANT. Past income, is no indication of future earnings.